Underfloor Heating

Consistent, comfortable heating underfoot

Man installing Aura Energy Services underfloor-heating system

Underfloor Heating Systems

Underfloor Heating is generally considered the most efficient way of emitting heat generated by your heat source, be it a boiler or heat pump. This is due to the large surface area being utilised to transfer the heat to the air. Because the whole floor space is being heated, underfloor heating avoids cold and hot spots within the room.

Unlike traditional central heating where radiators heat air that flows around the building (known as convection heating), underfloor heating provides a mix of heat radiated from the floor as well as convection heat, creating a more consistent and comfortable temperature.

  • Non-intrusive
  • Even heat distribution
  • Ideal for hard floors
Man installing Aura Energy Services underfloor-heating system

increased heating efficiency


lower operating temperature


less maintenance

Is underfloor heating suitable for me?

Installation costs for underfloor heating vary depending on whether you choose a dry or water-based system, the number of rooms you have, the type of flooring you have, and the type of building. It's also worth noting that costs are often higher for installing upstairs.

Underfloor heating takes longer to heat up and cool down than conventional radiators and, in order for the system to work effectively, your property needs to be well insulated and relatively draught-proof.

Underfloor heating can operate using most types of fuel, including conventional oil and gas, but also most renewable sources. Heat pumps are a particularly good source, as they're better suited to the lower base temperature of underfloor heating systems.

Get in touch and we'll discuss your needs before developing the best solution for you. We always offer impartial advice and if we do not feel underfloor heating is right, we'll suggest an alternative, even if it's not a product we install.

© 2024 Aura (Oxford) Ltd, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HN

Any statistics or grant amounts on this page should be considered as 'up to' or 'in some cases'. Figures are based on research from various industry sources and Aura does not guarantee any stated benefits will be realised when receiving relevant product installations or services from us.