© 2024 Aura (Oxford) Ltd, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HN
Being green should be more than a box tick. It should be better. Aura's renewable energy solutions are designed to enhance the way you live and help free your home from reliance on fossil fuels.
© Edmund Sumner and KFM
Home automation can change the way you live. Constantly learning from you, the house will work to deliver warmth, light, security and entertainment to every room.
© Edmund Sumner and KFM
Generate free electricity. Reduce your reliance on the grid and save up to 40% on your electricity bills.
Air Source and Ground Source Heat Pumps are up to 400% more efficient than conventional boilers.
Live in a home that adapts to the way you live. Warmer rooms, lighting that follows you, and a reduced carbon output.
Reduce heating costs and controlling the air flow throughout your home. Breathing clean, purified air brings great health benefits.
The ultimate luxury of heat (or cooling) underfoot. Underfloor heating is up to 20% more efficient than radiators.
Run on renewable energy more of the time, buy electricity at reduced rates and sell overage back to the National Grid.
Reducing carbon is the only way we can stop global warming. Moving to renewable power sources saves 3.4 tons of CO2 per year for the average house. We help you calculate the long terms savings (environmental and financial) and understand the available grants.
Our customers are at the heart of our business.
Any statistics or grant amounts on this page should be considered as 'up to' or 'in some cases'. Figures are based on research from various industry sources and Aura does not guarantee any stated benefits will be realised when receiving relevant product installations or services from us.