

Helping fund your project

Installing a quality renewable energy solution will always come at a cost, but there is help available. The government and energy companies are both supporting the deployment of energy efficient alternatives.

There are grants available for solar panels, heat pumps and home insulation. You can also guarantee your buy-back price for selling the green energy you produce back to the grid.

We’ll help you navigate the available options. Ensuring you use available grants and funding to help reduce your time to return on investment.

Renewable Grants

Reduce your reliance on the grid and save up to 40% on your electricity bills.
Solar EnergyPay no VAT on your solar panels and installation

Heat PumpsClaim back £5,000 on Air Source and £6,000 on Ground Source Heat pumps.

Other Grants

Keep you home opperating at maximum efficiency with added piece of mind.

Free InsulationHave additional insulation fitted free of charge

Smart ExportA guaranteed price for generating electricity

Return on Investment


With rising energy costs, the Carbon Brief now suggests solar panels will payback in a little over 4 years, however it’s worth remembering that prices can go down as well as up, so a 10-year plan is realistic.

Heat Pumps

The typical return on investment for Ground or Air Source Heat Pumps is 10% across 12 years. With a 20-year life span, this goes up considerably once the investment has been offset.

Battery Storage

For batteries, the repayment period is between 5-10 years, depending on the installation. Periods can be affected by how much electricity you sell back to the grid.

© 2024 Aura (Oxford) Ltd, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HN

Any statistics or grant amounts on this page should be considered as 'up to' or 'in some cases'. Figures are based on research from various industry sources and Aura does not guarantee any stated benefits will be realised when receiving relevant product installations or services from us.